What is an EBSCO account?


EBSCO is the company that runs the software which powers OneSearch and some (not all) of our databases.  When doing research, you can opt to create a free EBSCO account to save and organize articles, but an EBSCO account is not required to use the library's resources.

Before accessing the library's articles and databases, you've got to be logged in.  So, make sure you've clicked on the yellow "Hello, Guest" banner at the top of your OneSearch search results first and logged in with your RU credentials:


Once you've done that, you can click on "Sign In" to set up or access your myEBSCO account:


These accounts are not managed by the library, so use the "Forgot your password?" link if you need to -- we don't have access to the ID and password that you choose.

Once you've got it set up, you can use your MyEBSCO account to save and organize your OneSearch results into folders, review your search history, and more.  See EBSCO's "How to Use the MyEBSCO Folder" instruction page and "MyEBSCO Folder - Tutorial" video for more information.

  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2025
  • Views 13
  • Answered By Catherine Price

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